Why is Depression so Prevalent Today

Why is Depression so Prevalent Today?

We are all aware of the dark realities of our world; wars, inequality, terrorism, and so on. But why is it that, in spite of all this knowledge, there is a constant feeling of doom hanging over us? 

That’s because we are living in a period where depression, loneliness, and stress are at an all-time high. There has been an increase in the number of people who feel isolated and lonely. 

There are factors such as too much social media usage that have contributed to this phenomenon. This has also led to a spike in alcohol consumption and drug abuse among millennials. 

This article will focus on explaining why so many people suffer from depression today and what you can do about it:

A brief history of depression

Even though depression is a very common term these days, many of us don’t actually know much about it. So, let’s begin with a short history of depression. During the Middle Ages, people who were suffering from depression were thought to be possessed by demons. 

And, till the early 20th century, it was believed that the causes of depression were biological or genetic. In the last century, however, psychiatrists discovered that depression is a psychological condition. And, since then, it has become one of the most common mental illnesses in the world.

Signs and symptoms of depression

It can be hard to identify signs of major depression in your family members and yourself. Understanding why depression is so common can be made easier by being able to recognize the signs. It can be subtle and sneaky, so it is easy to overlook the effects on your thoughts and behavior.

Here are some signs to watch out for in depression:

  • Concentration is difficult
  • Trouble remembering
  • Fatigue
  • Pessimism, despair
  • Feeling guilty, worthless, or helpless
  • Not enough sleep or too much
  • Irritability
  • It’s easy to lose interest in things that were once interesting.
  • Overeating
  • Appetite loss
  • Aches that won’t go away
  • Digestive issues that won’t go away
  • Sadness, anxiety, and emptiness are constant feelings
  • Suicidal thoughts and/or attempts

Why is depression more common today?

There could be several reasons why depression is so common today. But the most prominent one is the way people live their lives today compared to the way they used to. There are many modern-day factors that are causing people to become extremely anxious and depressed. Let’s take a look at a few of them: 

Increased expectations: People these days are expected to excel in their careers, be exceptionally good parents, be financially stable and live a very active social life. What’s more, they are expected to excel in all of these areas at once! So, it’s obvious that people today have a lot of expectations from themselves. And, when they feel like they are failing in one or all of these areas, the result is usually depression. 

Technology: Social media, smartphones, and various other technological devices have made our lives more convenient and easier. But, it’s also true that all these devices and apps are causing people to become more isolated. So, one can definitely say that excessive use of technology can lead to increased feelings of anxiety and depression. 

Poor Diet: A poor diet is a major reason why many people today are suffering from depression. When a person doesn’t get the right nutrients, they are more likely to become anxious and depressed. 

Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Studies show that alcohol and drug addiction are also major contributors to the prevalence of depression among the youth.


What is causing so many people to become depressed?

As mentioned above, there are many factors that contribute to depression. Let’s take a look at some of them: 

A Bad Childhood: If you had a bad childhood where you experienced a lot of trauma, neglect, or abuse, you run the risk of becoming depressed as an adult. Also, if your parents weren’t able to deal with the trauma of your childhood and didn’t help you move on, you could also be at risk of becoming depressed later in life. 

A Bad Relationship: A bad relationship with your parents, partner or friends can lead to depression. If you are in a relationship and your partner is abusive or controlling, this can also lead to depression. 

Social Isolation: If you don’t have any friends or you don’t interact with people, this can lead to increased feelings of depression. When you are around people, your brain releases oxytocin. This is known as the “love hormone” because it’s responsible for feelings of love, trust, and confidence.

How loneliness contributes to the prevalence of depression

Loneliness is a very common factor that leads to a state of depression. When a person feels that they are alone, it can lead to low self-esteem and a feeling of being unimportant. And, if this state of loneliness persists, it can lead to full-blown depression. 

Now, let’s talk about how loneliness can actually contribute to the prevalence of depression. Studies have shown that when a person is suffering from loneliness, they produce the hormone called cortisol. This hormone is responsible for releasing stress in the body. And high levels of cortisol are not good for your health. 

When a person is depressed, they produce even more cortisol in their bodies. This hormone can cause a lot of damage to your body. It can increase your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar levels. 

As if all of this wasn’t bad enough, high levels of cortisol can also lead to memory loss and weight gain.

How social media contributes to the prevalence of depression

Social media definitely has its benefits. It has helped people make new friends and even find love. But, it has also led to a lot of damage when it comes to raising a person’s self-esteem and self-worth. 

The way social media is designed is manipulative. It encourages people to compare themselves to others and often leads to low self-esteem and a desire to change themselves. This can lead to a person becoming depressed. 

What’s more, social media is also responsible for a lot of cyberbullying and online abuse. To put it simply, too much social media usage can lead to depression in many ways.

Social media addiction


Now, let’s review what we’ve learned: 

  • Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world. 
  • There could be several reasons why depression is so common today: increased expectations, technology, a bad childhood, a bad relationship, and social isolation. 
  • Depression can also lead to loneliness, addiction, and excessive use of social media. 

If you are feeling sad, lonely, or like you are under too much stress, it’s important that you seek help as soon as possible. If you don’t, you run the risk of falling into a state of depression and, or, an addiction that may require rehab

Make an effort to surround yourself with friends and loved ones, change your diet and try to stay away from social media.

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